
World’s First Flying Car for Sale – Any Takers?

I know I want one.


I mean, it’s not a bird, not a plane, and definitely not Superman.

It’s the PAL-V Liberty Pioneer Edition – the world’s first ever flying car put on sale.

Yes, you read that right. By 2019, you can be the proud owner of a flying car – that’s if you have half a million Euros to spend (approximately $621,500).

The car holds 2 people and has a road speed of 100 mph. Once it’s air-borne, it can go as fast as 350 mph and as high as 11,000 feet.


If you’re itching to get your hands on one, act now. There are only 90 flying car units available and PAL-V, the Dutch company that makes these cars, are already accepting orders.

But I’m curious: would I need a pilot’s license for this?

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Written by tina

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