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The smoke from Australia’s fires is changing the weather – in South America!

The massive, fast-moving bank of smoke rising from the bush fires in Australia is now so big that it’s changing the weather – in another continent!

NASA says the plumes from the fires had already traveled halfway around the planet by January 8, “turning the skies hazy and causing colorful sunrises and sunsets,” in South America!

NASA says the plumes from the fires had already traveled halfway around the planet by January 8, "turning the skies hazy and causing colorful sunrises and sunsets," in South America!
NASA says the plumes from the fires had already traveled halfway around the planet by January 8, “turning the skies hazy and causing colorful sunrises and sunsets,” in South America! (Photo: NASA)

Thick, grey-brown palls of smoke now loom over 70 percent of the Australian continent.

The immense plumes are drifting west and will make at least one full circuit around the globe, according to NASA!

As the heat and smoke rise, the plumes can cool off, generating storm clouds and spectacular bolts of lighting. And that can start new fires.

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