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Your car is here – and it’s talking to a lamp post!

The cars of the future will do much more than simply take you from Point A to Point B.
The cars of the future will do much more than simply take you from Point A to Point B. (Photo: Panasonic)

As a child, didn’t you dream of owning a car that could do things no other car could? Of course, it was fast – and it could drive itself.

Even better, it could do much more than simply get you from one place to another.

Your future car could avoid traffic, warn of you of any danger ahead, and make sure you’re never late for your best friend’s birthday party.

Well, those things are no longer the stuff of childish imaginings.

With Panasonic’s CIRRUS Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology, your car can actually talk to other cars, roadways, traffic lights, and people, too!

Transportation experts are already predicting huge reductions in accident rates!

Who knows what else the cars of the future will be able to do?

Check out the video below for a closer look at this amazing new technology!

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Written by Team Ideas24

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